Architecture in Ottawa

Last week we had the privilege of taking our grandson to Ottawa to check out two universities there. He is thinking of Political Science, so we had to take a visit to the Parliament Buildings. I have been before, but this trip I noticed the beauty of the architecture in a new way. We took the elevator to the top of the Peace Tower, then sat in on a debate in the House of Commons. ( my camera was taken from me while we were in the House. ) A very interesting experience.

Some protesters on the walkway leading to the Central Block.

The Lion stands guard on one side of the archway representing England I believe.

A unicorn stands guard on the other side of the entrance. I understand it represents the French and Scotland. Why its tongue is sticking out I have no clue Why a unicorn at all baffles me. There are gargoyles in a lot of places too.

looking up at the archway, there are the shields for each province and corn, birds, and a multitude of other food and animals depicting the abundance of Canada.

inside there are stained glass windows and beautiful scrollwork on the ceilings. It is so beautiful

Looking down into the main entrance hall

We went up the Peace tower past the bells and to the lookout. A view from all sides. This is looking past the Library across the Ottawa River to Hull, Quebec.

For anyone from the USA, the building in the foreground is the US Embassy

Looking north and up the river.

From the top of the Peace Tower, the clock was right above our heads.

The centennial flame, added in 1967 for our 100th year, the shield of each province is set in the fountain, with the flame burning just above the water.

It seems like the water is on fire.

18 responses to “Architecture in Ottawa

  1. Wow, I like this. I am fan of architectural designs and structures… Beautiful place, Ottawa

  2. Wonderful. Would be great to get the opportunity to see it once 🙂

  3. Nice work capturing some of the special architecture in Ottawa, makes me want to see more. The picture I like the most is the second from the top, the lion standing guard. Its tones are so rich. Very nice.

  4. I Never take a shot like this before thanks for sharing

  5. Thank you, Maggie, for this cyber-tour 🙂 I love the unusual perspective of the clock!

  6. Beautiful. I have not been in Ottawa, only in Toronto. I loved especially some close-up photos in the beginning of Your post.

    Thank You giving to me an idea from Ottawa.

  7. Seeing these beautiful photos makes me want to visit Ottawa.

  8. Amazing captures. 🙂

  9. Maggie, even though I’m no pro in photography, I’d like you to know that your photos are spectacular. I really feel like I am there just by looking at the photos.

  10. Beautiful shots. We see the world with greater focus when trying to capture it to share with others. 😀

  11. Northern Narratives

    It’s been a few years since I’ve been to Ottawa but I do remember the amazing architecture.

  12. Beautiful architecture!

  13. Thank you for sharing. I have never seen pictures from ottawa before.

  14. What a beautiful place, I also love the small detail you have captured.

  15. I lived and went to uni there for many years… It is a great city to go to school. The photos are fantastic!

  16. I immensely enjoyed admiring Ottawa’s architecture through your photos! I’m curious about your views of using black and white (versus color). Do you prefer black and white for detail shots–like your photo of the archway bearing shields for each province?

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