About Maggie

I have started a new stage in my life called “retirement”.  This is my time and I want this time to be an adventure. I want to add  colour to my life, bright, bold colours. I want to travel new paths, to try new things, to go the extra mile. I want to pursue health of my body, mind and spirit. I want to tap into my creative side. I want to learn new things, try new things and go for it all.

Photography is my favorite pastime

I got my very own camera at the age of 12. It was a Brownie and I soon learnt how to insert the film. I remember snapping away and taking the film to the drug store to have it developed. It was hard to wait days to see the finished product.  Things are easier now. I see the colours, the shapes, the scenery, the animals and flowers and I want to capture that moment. Time is mine now. I can wait for the time when the lighting is right. I can experiment and delete.  I can sit for hours in a field waiting for a butterfly to pose for me. I am always learning and I want to share my photographic journey with you.

Please leave me a comment so I know you have visited this site. I appreciate it. Leave me your blog and I will visit you.

59 responses to “About Maggie

  1. Maggie, I am so inspired by your photography and blog! I drew your photo of veggies from Jan. 7, 2012. May I share it on fb? I will credit you of course, and I am not selling it.
    I sketch and paint, however, being disabled I do not get out much and rely on photos.
    Thank you for considering this! Bless you. Diana

  2. Gosh yes – unthinkable now isn’t it – to have to send off rolls of films in prepaid envelopes and then be so excited when they came back in the post – or go to the chemist to get them done. Your patience has paid off and I hope your time is full of rewarding shoots – Alison

  3. Hi Maggie:

    I’ve nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger award, because your blog inspires me. You need not accept the award, but if you so choose, then click here for how to do so. http://thestillspot.wordpress.com/honours/

    Continue inspiring others with your blog!

  4. Hi there Maggie! I believe I’ve been here before, yes, it was a link to one of the photo challenges that led me here, I really like you photos especially Moon Shadow. I admire your decision of leading a colourful life, it’s inspiring 🙂

    I’m a one of the many writers on The Dark Globe and this month is our Follower Appreciation Month and on behalf of the crew I’d like to thank you for visiting and following 😀

    I wish you all the best, Devina.

  5. Dear Maggie,
    I was introduced to you through your kind remarks and a “like” to a photo challenge submission, and just wanted to leave you a comment on your blog as well to express my admiration of your very positive and very colorful outlook on life. Rock on!

  6. Hi Maggie!
    I nominated you for the Sunshine Award. Here’s the link http://imexcited.wordpress.com/2012/03/29/genuine-blogger-and-sunshine-award/ Hope you like it. Have a nice day!

  7. I love photography, and you have some beautiful photos. I just wanted to say thanks for reading my blog and posting a link to one of my posts in your post today.

  8. Good Morning Maggie, I am not retired yet, but my philosphy is like your first paragraph here. That is why I took the plunge and started my blog a month ago. It has been so exciting! I am not able to travel much yet, but someday…. for now I am loving the blogosphere, where I can travel around the world from my laptop. Where in the world is your home base? ~Franny

  9. Nice to meet you Maggie. Wonderful pictures.

  10. Hi Maggie, I’ve also joined the ranks of the retired, but with a side stop of caring for a family member with dementia. It’s not quite what I would have planned, but know it’s needed for this time. Your plans and your bucket list are inspiring. Love your photos!

  11. Hey Maggie. I love your photos. What camera do you use?

  12. Sounds like a really good plan for this next era in your life. God Speed!

  13. Hi Maggie,
    I am pleased to meet you. Lovely blog and your pictures I just love 🙂

  14. Hi Maggie, I am new to looking at blogs & I’m thinking of starting my own. Thank you for sharing, you have great pics. I will back to take a look at your next installment 🙂

  15. A life without colour is no life at all… Your pictures are amazing. Love your blog!!!!

  16. Wonderful attitude! I can relate!

  17. I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Please see my post for details 🙂

    Versatile blogger award

  18. Hi Maggie….I am here to tell you I nominated you for the Genuine Blogger Award. You have such a wonderful blog. Congrats! There are no rules, lists or questions to answer for this one. You can post the image if you want. You can pass the award on if you want. Here’s the link for more info: http://jayjaysfavorites.wordpress.com/2012/02/25/the-academy-of-blog-awards/

  19. I to am enjoying retirement. Here’s to a new journey for us.

  20. I’ve enjoyed reading your blog. I’m nominating you for the Versatile Blogger Award.

  21. Maggie,
    I know that you have already gotten a few awards but I wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Kreativ Blogger award due to your inspirational approach to retirement. You can get the details at my site:

  22. dianne - life as i see it

    wonderful blog, enjoyed your images.. 🙂

  23. It’s so nice to meet you here, Maggie. I love photography too, but it took a long time for me to have my own camera. Now, I’m enjoying every bits of photography as much as I enjoy making handmade card, scrapbooking, drawing, even creating my own recipe in the kitchen. Catch ya later!

  24. Your narrative is every bit as engaging as the images it surrounds. I’m pleased by your recent visit and do hope you again take up the brush. That way, you’ll stay long enough to have conversations with whatever has caught your eye.

  25. Hello Maggie. Thank you for stopping by my blog, and your comment on yucca soap. I appreciate your input and agree with what you said, and I just wanted to make sure you knew this. Sometimes the tone of comments on the Internet is hard to read and I didn’t want you to think that I didn’t appreciate what you were saying or your readership.

  26. I enjoy and have selected your blog to award The One Lovely Blog Award. Follow this link to collect your award and see the rules. If you’ve already received this award, just know I think you deserve another one!

    One Lovely Surprise. One Lovely Blog Award!

  27. What a lovely blog – I love your bucket list 🙂

  28. Maggie, sparklingly bright blogsite. Glad that you made the connection between us. P.

  29. Nice blog. Enjoyed the visit! Thanks.

  30. Hi, Maggie –
    Thank you so for the comment and the follow over on my little project. I love what you do here – your photographs are brilliant!
    Cheers, Megan

  31. Thank you for following my blog. I love your photos. I am hoping to retire one day in the not too distant future and then I can spend more time on my favorite pastimes, travel and photography. I look forward to seeing more of your photos.

  32. Just discovered your blog and have loved browsing through. Scrumptious photos. Reading your “About me” I recognize a kindred spirit. Thanks for visiting my blog so I could find your blog!

  33. I love your blog, and because I do and because I think you’re deserving, I can literally lose myself here! I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. You can accept your award here: http://moonlightenedshelves.wordpress.com/2012/01/26/my-versatile-blogger-nominees-are/
    If you’ve already received one, just know I think you deserve another! Thank you for what you do.

  34. Hello! I am just dropping by a little present for you, The One Lovely Blog Award from Mis Experiencias Personales. Congrats!


  35. Maggie, your blog is so lovely – I love every note and image here. I will be a frequent visitor – you’ve captured my heart. ❤

  36. Your blogs are deserving for this award Maggie

  37. Scriptor Obscura

    Your photography is beautiful, evocative, expressive, and emotional. Keep up the excellent work!

  38. Maggie, your blog is beautiful and the photos powerful. You demonstrate that pictures are indeed worth thousands of words. For a writer, that’s inspiring. I’m presenting you with The Versatile Blogger award. Congratulations! http://wp.me/p1VCzf-6O

  39. Hey Maggie,
    I enjoy your blog and wanted to show my appreciation so . . .
    You have been nominated for the Versatile Award!

  40. Pingback: Another Milestone for Baby: The Versatile Award! « Simply Charming

  41. Hi Maggie,
    I stumled upon your blog by pure coincidence and I’m so glad I did! You are so talented in photography – and writing – and just want to say “thanks” for sharing your views 🙂

  42. Hi Maggie, so glad to have found your blog. I’m also a keen photographer, still learning, but I like to get out and about to see what I can capture on lens. Love your photographs.

  43. Hey Maggie, thank you for your comment. I enjoy your photography and the fact that you tell a story with every photograph. They were a delight to see! Looking forward to more.

    Millie Ho

  44. Most amazing photos…i have been mesmerized in looking and scrolling and looking!
    I am an immediate fan. I loved all…the dog, the totems, the cathedrals mostly the windows…until I have more time to delve deeper
    Thank you for sharing yourself.

  45. Maggie, do you mind telling me what kind of camera and lenses you use? Thanks!! =)

  46. Glad you came to visit over at my place, and glad to be enjoying your wonderful photos!

  47. I must say that your patience is extraordinary and I think, that’s one of the qualities of a real photographer. Kudos to you for possessing that. I must admit that I instantly became a fan today, Ma’am Maggie.

    Thank you for the blog that is as beautiful as you! Keep your photos flowing here 🙂

  48. I can relate with you when “those days” you have to go to a photo shop to have the films developed. And wait for an hour or two to get the pictures. Now, we can just sit back and relax while we point and shoot! Thanks to digital cameras 🙂 You got wonderful photos as well. Thanks for visiting and subscribing to my blog too, I appreciate it. I’m looking forward to your posts as well! 🙂

  49. I got my first camera (Royer) when I was 10 ten years old. My father bought it in 1952, when we had the Olympic Games in Helsinki, Finland. Only three Royer cameras were imported into Finland that year. In my About me page, I have a photo from it and it is old.

    Happy shooting!

  50. Hello you have some wonderful photos on your site, I have enjoyed the visit! I’m a brand new blogger, taking a peek at the experts!

  51. I know what you mean…sometimes I stand in my garden waiting for the humming birds to come close, to get that perfect photo.

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