Thoughts on Awards

I am stymied. I do not know what to do. While I am honoured to be considered worthy of a nomination for an award, I am respectfully declining. I find that awards come with rules rather than reasons for deserving the award. Some require passing along the award to seven or so other bloggers. Some require that I answer a number of questions. Is this the blogging equivalent of a chain letter? Are we simply promoting each other and ourselves without any real qualifications? I have yet to see any reason for a particular award.

These are some of the awards I have been honoured with from a number of lovely bloggers, several have been given to me a number of times. I have done nothing to deserve any of the awards.

I have decided to add photos to my widget area and delete all the awards I have received from my main page.  As I said, I am grateful, I just prefer to abstain from this part of blogging. I have creatd this new page so that anyone can see my view on this part of the blogging community. I love all of you.

I love blogging. I love looking at everyone elses blogs. The biggest reward for me is knowing that another blogger has read my post and takes time to make a comment. Thoughtful comments are the best award.

Our lives are busy.

I hope I am not offending anyone. This is my opinion and perhaps it is my laziness that is influencing my decision. I cannott find the time to figure out  who to pass the awards along to.  I wonder what are the criteria for actually deserving an award. What determines who should be awarded. Is it the number of posts? What about the content? Is it because I agree with the bloggers opinion? Is it because the posts make me think and perhaps rethink about a subject?

I read so many blogs. Most of them are simply photo blogs so do not take a lot of time to read but I really enjoy looking at photos. I find that I am inspired to try harder to capture a better image each time I look at the quality of others photos.

I am retired, yet there are many things in my life that fill my day.

I love to be in the garden weather permitting. I love to go for long walks with our German shepherd, often over 5km,  most often with my camera in hand.

I belong to a Monday evening  bowling league. I attend a Bible Study every Tuesday. I exercise regularly at the gym and several times a week, I go to an Aqua fit class at the local swimming pool.

I have seven grandchildren, one lives with me. I love spending time with all of them and my children.

I am teaching myself to play the guitar.

The rest of the time I spend doing laundry, cleaning the house, watching TV, sitting on the deck relaxing and talking with my family and visiting friends.

4 responses to “Thoughts on Awards

  1. Gina's Professions for PEACE

    I love, love, love this page! Thank you for choosing You, for taking time for what matters most, and not ‘this part of blogging’. We are birds of a feather. A while back I too pulled the awards from my sidebar and into a page announcing ‘thank you but no thank you’ as kindly as I could. I really enjoy how you list what a very full life you have. I am delighted to have found your blog and I hope you resume posting again soon. Blessings, Gina

  2. I struggle with this too, so I was very pleased to find your page here — it was so well put, what you wrote.

  3. I hear you 🙂 I added some of the awards to my widgets, with links to the blogs that nominated me. I will probably stop doing the “passing along” thing, just add badges and link them to the blogs. One blogger I know just reblogs the post with a thank you comment. There are lots of ways to show gratitude, if your solution works for you, that’s all that counts! 🙂

  4. I am SO glad to read this …. I really struggle with this. I don’t want to offend but I feel the same way – I want to have others read and interact with what I’m saying and vice versa – so thank you for this!

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